WTA Members’ Newsletter, April 2022

Now that the dust has settled on the aftermath of the recent festival, I thought that it would be of interest to share some of the catch return data and related information. Despite the extremely strong flow, a record number of fish were recorded, in all 2362. This was 636 more than the previous record number dating back to 2013 that saw 1726 trout come to hand.
The high flow and clarity issues lowerdown limited participants to beats in the headwaters of the Bell, the Bok, and the Riflespruits. Fish longer than 450mm were caught on Bothwell (1 Fish) and Thirlstone (1 Fish), both relatively high up and showing that all is well on the Bok- and Riflespruits. The second table shows the size range of the catch at Loch Ness (4 Fish) which confirms that there is a healthy breeding population in residence!
The high flow and clarity issues lowerdown limited participants to beats in the headwaters of the Bell, the Bok, and the Riflespruits. Fish longer than 450mm were caught on Bothwell and Thirlstone, both relatively high up and showing that all is well on the Bok- and Riflespruits. The second table shows the size range of the catch at Loch Ness which confirms that there is a healthy breeding population in residence!  By all acounts, the fish caught gave fly fishers a good run for their money and several specimens were lost. Of course, these specimens were absolute monsters! 😊 Assuming that the anglers were all equally proficient, one wonders why the records show a decline in numbers between Francisdale and Bremerside on the Riflespruit. The catch on the Bokspruit below the confluence of the Bok- and Riflespruits is a reflection of the higher volume of water passing through these lower beats.
The graph illustrates the healthy flow of water in 2021 when the smaller trout up to 150mm trout were spawned and are flourishing ensuring good angling prospects for the foreseeable future.

For those who have not collected their 2022 edition guide books, please remember to ask Andrew Clark at BKB for your copy.

All of the best for what is left of the year and long may we continue to be blessed with healthy precipitation!

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